Badtux the Snarky Penguin

In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.

Religious fundamentalists are motivated by the sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere, is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Happy Birthday, Osama bin Laden

Yeppers, on March 10, you turned 50 years old. It took a little searching on Google Images, but I finally found a picture of your birthday party. It looks like you had a gay old time with your old buddy and pal George W. Bush (who says you're "Osama bin Forgotten" anyhow?!). What kind of cake was that? Anyhow, you're looking rather healthy, I guess all that time in a nice cushy Islamabad condo has been good for you! Good call to wear a suit to your birthday party instead of robes, robes look kinda funny when you're the guest of honor, so, how's it hangin'? Now, don't fret, 50 might be over the hill but there's still a long life ahead of you. Oh, I know, when Dear Leader said he'd get you "dead or alive" you might have worried. But really, c'mon, it's been over 5 years since you hit the World Trade Center and you're very much alive, why would you think you'd be any less alive tomorrow? I mean, c'mon. We only execute people who've never attacked America but who are sitting on lots of oil, people like this guy: You attacked America and you have no oil, so why would we want to kill you? I mean, it's like the most patriotic thing on earth to let people attack you and get away with it, right?

Anyhow, I'm sure ten years from now I'll be wishing you a happy sixtieth birthday, so anyhow, best of wishes to you and your buddy George. I hope you both kill yourselves, you murderous bastards.

- Badtux the Birthday Penguin

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Posted by: BadTux / 3/12/2007 10:44:00 AM  


I've maintained for years that it is illogical for a member of the Bu$h family to be an enemy of a member of the bin Laden family, given the fact that the two families have made money together for over 30 years.
# posted by Lurch : 12/3/07 12:22 PM  

nice party picture...and it's just like baby bush to not look at the

and i happen to agree with lurch...silly to think that the bush family could be enemies with them or anyone else they buy and sell human lives with...oops, i ment oil
# posted by azgoddess : 12/3/07 12:56 PM  

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