Badtux the Snarky Penguin

In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.

Religious fundamentalists are motivated by the sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere, is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Crackertown don't want no fuckin' niggers, y'see

The Green Knight asks why is there a checkpoint keeping New Orleans refugees from walking across the Mississippi River Bridge to dry land?

The checkpoint in question is on the Mississippi River Bridge between Jefferson Parish (the West Bank) and New Orleans. It is there to keep the niggers in New Orleans from plundering and looting the fine upstanding white folk of the West Bank. Sorry to use that term on this blog, but that's the term that the fine upstanding white-sheet-wearin' fellers over there in Jefferson Parish use. They don't want no goddamn niggers from New Orleans in their parish. (I'm quoting the Sheriff of Jefferson Parish, Harry Lee, from a few years back here).

See, here is how it works. Gretna is Crackertown. That's where the crackers live, the white trash cousin-marrying inbred redneck cretins. They elect their own as Sheriff and Mayor and etc. They harass any black person who enters their parish mercilessly in hopes of driving them out. The Sheriff (Harry Lee) got into trouble a few years ago when his deputies pistol-whipped a wide receiver for the New Orleans Saints for Driving While Black, but got re-elected by even bigger numbers by appreciative crackers who don't want no goddam niggers in their pure Aryan David Duke parish.

Yes, that attitude is still alive in Crackertown. Still alive. And the ugly truth is that they don't want those New Orleans niggers coming across their bridge (their word, not mine), and you can bet that the check point is set up by the Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Department, not by the National Guard or any state or federal agency...

- Badtux the Louisiana Penguin

Posted by: BadTux / 9/03/2005 05:20:00 PM  


You're almost certainly right about that. And I hope in the next few weeks it becomes clearer what the underlying racism is down there.

Ugly times.
# posted by Mr Lucky Doubles : 3/9/05 5:38 PM  

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