Badtux the Snarky Penguin

In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.

Religious fundamentalists are motivated by the sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere, is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Not exactly our Founding Fathers

Seems like the gang that can't think straight in Iraq is pretty much par for the course. They can't get the water working, they can't get the power working, they can't get the sewers working, they can't get a Constitution written, about the only thing they seem good at is embezzeling money, hmm, where have I heard this before? Combined with an Iraqi army that is terrified of their enemy, hmm, where have I heard that before? Can anybody say, deja vu?

But Iraq is not Vietnam. Vietnam was a jungle. Iraq is the original metropolis. As such, it's a lot easier to win in Iraq than it was in Vietnam. All we have to do is reduce every building in Iraq to rubble then bulldoze the rubble into large pits, and then the guerillas in Iraq will no longer have any cover to use for shooting at our soldiers. Of course, there won't be any Iraq left, just a bunch of people standing in a desert starving to death, but what the hey, that's what they deserve for sitting on our oil, right? Right?!

-- Badtux the Snarky Penguin

Posted by: BadTux / 8/16/2005 12:52:00 PM  


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# posted by oldwhitelady : 16/8/05 7:06 PM  

BadTux, you make a good point about what they seem to be good at. Can you imagine putting that on your resume'?

I don't like the idea of reducing Iraq to rubble... too late, eh?

I wonder how the native animals and creatures are doing? Since DU particles are harmless to everyone, I bet they're harmless to the little creatures, too. I shouldn't worry about them. Our administration is trying to stop worrying about our own native animals... who gives a darn about foreign ones?

As far as the people standing around in a desert starving to death, we did bulldoze some of their olive groves. Who knows what else?
# posted by oldwhitelady : 16/8/05 7:08 PM  

"ust a bunch of people standing in a desert starving to death"

So more like Africa then?
# posted by NewsBlog 5000 : 16/8/05 8:08 PM  

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