Badtux the Snarky Penguin

In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.

Religious fundamentalists are motivated by the sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere, is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.

Monday, August 06, 2007

Bin Laden Determined to Strike America

August 6, 2001. President George W. Bush attends a conference with National Security Advisor Condi Rice and representatives of several intelligence agencies to be briefed about a threat to America. These representatives of the nation's intelligence services brief the President, at this Presidential Daily Briefing (PDB), that Osama bin Laden is planning to strike America, and furthermore that he plans to hijack an airliner. At the end of it, Dear Leader tells the intelligence agents "Okay, you've covered your butts now" and goes on vacation. No action is taken to tighten surveillance on known al Qaeda agents or tighten security at airports.

On September 11, 2001, four jet airliners are hijacked and three of them are flown into buildings while one, apparently after a struggle with passengers, is crashed into a field. Over 2,000 Americans die.

It continues to mystify me why 1/4th of the nation still continues to insist that George W. Bush exhibits leadership, when it has been clear for over six years that nothing of the sort is true. Dear Leader's notion of leadership is to go on vacation. It's the only thing he knows how to do, apparently, he has spent over 20% of his Presidency on vacation. While any normal President would have sounded alarm bells at a briefing stating that a known enemy of America who had killed hundreds of Americans over the past five years was planning to strike again, and would have ordered the nation's security apparatus to locate and neutralize the threat, George W. Bush... went on vacation.

I don't agree with the 9/11 conspiracy freaks who think that surely no President could be so incompetent thus he must have known that 9/11 was coming and thus 9/11 was an inside job. This President has proven too many times that yes, he really is that incompetent. Still, I know where they're coming from. That level of arrogance, stupidity, and incompetence simply is hard to believe. Too many people, still, would rather believe that their President is an evil machiavellian mass murderer of Americans than that he's, well, a fuckin' moron. Well, except for the 27% of True Believers, who apparently lack the brain mass that God gave a housecat and think that going on vacation is decisive action against America's enemies...

-- Badtux the Reminiscing Penguin

Just another li'l node in Blue Gal's PDB Blogswarm

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Posted by: BadTux / 8/06/2007 09:44:00 PM  


It continues to mystify me why 1/4th of the nation still continues to insist that George W. Bush exhibits leadership,

Assume, arguendo that 'leadership' simply consists of 'doing things that piss liberals off.' Period.

Then Junta Boy's a great leader.

Are there 60-70 million Americans who would accept a lower standard of living, a shredded Constitution, a wrecked environment, just to piss someone off?

Yes. Under certain circumstances, enough to form a government
# posted by Davis X. Machina : 7/8/07 8:33 AM  

I can still believe that *Cheney* knew about the attacks before hand and played it in such a way as to get maximum profit out of it... but I can just as easily believe what is closer to the truth is right as soon as it happened, they gathered together to figure out how to spin it to their financial gain.
# posted by georg : 7/8/07 8:51 AM  

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