Badtux the Snarky Penguin

In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.

Religious fundamentalists are motivated by the sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere, is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

On the other hand, do I really want to move?

Okay, so it's an apartment. So I got an "affordable housing" lady living downstairs who watches a brood of screaming kids all day (1 bedroom apartment BTW), has toys and cardboard boxes and old junky indoor furniture piled up in her patio like some redneck house with a sofa on the porch, and the kids are little ruffians who keep jumping over the patio fence and tearing a path through the landscaping outside the patio (BTW the junk on the patio is completely against the rules, and she's going to be gone in a few months because of that, but that's how long it takes to evict an "affordable housing" resident, sigh... unfortunately to get a building permit in this town you have to dedicate a certain number of apartments to "affordable housing" voucher people or you don't get a permit). The duo next door would get a '10' in the Bedsprings Olympics, if you know what I mean, complete with OOOH AHHH OOOOOOOH sound effects and the occasional SCREEE! of joy.

But at least the guy with a Dance Dance Revolution upstairs moved away. And while the garage is small and isn't connected to my apartment, at least it's a garage and big enough for my motorcycle or even my Jeep. And if it's expensive... well, this morning I went to the office and explained that the spray wand on my kitchen faucet wasn't working right and sometimes my kitchen faucet itself stopped working. A few minutes ago I got a call from the maintenance office, saying that they knew what was wrong, and that they were going to replace my kitchen faucet next week, they would get the faucet Monday and replace it Tuesday, because it wasn't worth the trouble of changing out the cartridge when half the time it would just tear right back up within a few weeks anyhow. So they would just change the whole thing out.

No begging on my part. No hassles. No incompetent coming up to my apartment and going "doh, I don't know what's wrong." Just service. And that's how it's always been, whenever I had a maintenance problem here. Crap, do you know just how rare that is?!

-- Badtux the Iceberg-dock-pondering Penguin


Posted by: BadTux / 4/28/2007 01:58:00 PM  


I know EXACTLY what you mean. I live in an apartment complex, We have the same kids, some morons who pop whellies on they're motercycles and think the back street is their own personal drag.

The management here couldn't care less if they tried.

Fortunatly I have a new job and may be able to move soon.
# posted by Vince_N : 28/4/07 3:19 PM  

Fuck it.

Why run hard when you can stop them with a gun.
# posted by BBC : 28/4/07 4:53 PM  

We don't have the back street wheelie-popping motorcycle types despite the fact that we have a lot of motorcycles (because of the garages). I don't think the wheelie-popping variety of squid can afford to live in this apartment complex (and the "affordable housing" voucher people can't afford motorcycles... all they can afford is broken Goodwill-reject indoor furniture and cardboard boxes full of old clothes and toys and stuff to decorate their patios with).

The kids jumping the fence isn't *exactly* against the rules (unlike the junk on the patio). The management here is pretty apathetic but does seem to get rid of people who blatantly and regularly violate the rules (such as the couple the next hallway down who kept holding very loud parties on every Chinese holiday). They're most concerned about things that make the complex look trashy and drive down the rents, like broken-down furniture and cardboard boxes of junk on the patio (we have a list of things that we are allowed to keep on our patios, but they really don't care as long as it doesn't make the complex look trashy).

As for BBC and the "gun" statement, since I don't think interfering with the athletic activities of the couple in the next apartment is really appropriate (let them enjoy life a little, okay?), and since the little brats downstairs aren't inherently evil it's their trashy grandma who lets them destroy the landscaping who needs a lesson in manners, I'm still puzzled what BBC meant by the "gun" statement. But then BBC does that a lot, throw out statements that apparently don't mean much, like "it's all monkeys". Indeed.

-Badtux the Housed Penguin
# posted by BadTux : 28/4/07 5:50 PM  

Oh, BTW, Badtux, I named you as a "Thinking Blogger". See my post of today to find out that this means you make me think about things I don't usually think about. Plus you get to name five other blogs that make you think.
# posted by Share Cropper : 28/4/07 6:38 PM  

It may be rare, but my landlord does the same thing -- digs in and fixes stuff.

And my lease has a "no rent escalation" clause.
# posted by Scorpio : 29/4/07 1:20 PM  

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