Badtux the Snarky Penguin

In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.

Religious fundamentalists are motivated by the sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere, is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Leiberman Democrats want more Americans dead in Iraq

"Americans want to win", said Leiberman Democratic leader Harold Ford (R-DLC). Err, yes. I hate to break it to Mr. Ford, but we already won in Iraq. Held a huge party on an aircraft carrier and all that way back on May 1, 2003. Even had a banner up there, that said "Mission Accomplished!", and the President of the United States struttin' across an aircraft carrier deck with sock-stuffed crotch making Republican pundettes swoon everywhere and making a purty speech and all about major combat operations being done because -- get this -- we WON. We beat Saddam handily. Not only did we disarm Saddam's weapons of mass destruction (okay, okay, so there were none, but they're disarmed, gosh darn it!), but Saddam and his evil sons are both dead, either by our bullets or through our proxies' hangman's noose.

Now, I dunno where Mr. Ford was when we won. Maybe he was hiding under a rock or something. Maybe he had a five-day marathon hiking trip through the Washington Mall during that time frame, and never caught up with the news or something. But hey, Mr. Ford -- we won. All that's happened since is just our soldiers getting caught in the middle of someone else's bloody civil war. How can we "win" someone else's civil war?

We won. Shit, we even already declared victory. It's time to bring the troops home, MORON -- and the majority of the American people agree.

-- Badtux the Mission Accomplished Penguin

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Posted by: BadTux / 3/29/2007 04:55:00 PM  


Any American stupid enough to go to Iraq to fight in that stupid war deserves to die if you ask me.
# posted by BBC : 29/3/07 8:21 PM  

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