Badtux the Snarky Penguin

In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.

Religious fundamentalists are motivated by the sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere, is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Hell freezes over: Cop admits mistake

It seems that the Chief of Police now says that they made a mistake arresting Cindy Sheehan, admitting that "just wearing a t-shirt is not breaking the law" and that neither woman (the right-winger expelled, or the left-winger arrested) tried to draw attention to their t-shirt or in any way did anything that broke the law.

Now *this* is suprising. Usually the cops will simply deny everything. But apparently there were just too many witnesses here (like, a whole gallery's worth!) for them to do that...

Hopefully we can now get back to more important things, like my lunch and my cats' vet appointment this morning. For lunch I looked in the pantry and found only noodles. So I remembered I had a couple of MRE entre's in my camping gear and fetched one -- the "beef ravioli". My congratulations to their chef -- Chef Boy-ar-dee, apparently, since it tastes almost exactly identical to the canned stuff in the supermarket. Tasty (well, for "comfort food" values of the word "tasty"). That plus the noodles made a fine little lunch. As for my cats, they had their yearly checkup where they got a thermometer stuck up their behind, inspected, injected, and dejected. I'm sure they'll come out from under my bed sometime this week. Maybe.

- Badtux the Cat-owned Penguin

Posted by: BadTux / 2/01/2006 03:29:00 PM  


This is good. I wear a t-shirt almost every day, usually underneath another shirt. I can't even imagine how t-shirt concealment would be treated under anti-t-shirt laws.
# posted by NewsBlog 5000 : 1/2/06 5:03 PM  

first they license them.. then they confiscate.. ;-)

I like "DARE to think.. it ain't illegal.. yet.."

Hey Badtux!, I notice the comments are still thru just wondering why..
# posted by bobby : 1/2/06 8:00 PM  

Bobby, here's why you go thru Blogger to comment. Everything's still through Blogger except actually serving up the pages. Blogger publishes to my own server rather than to This gives me more control over the results, and relieves me of the necessity of maintaining my own comments system, which is a pain in the a$$ (a few years ago, I spent a wasted day running a query through a MySQL database getting rid of comments spam on a predecessor blog that was run entirely with my own software).

Frankly, I want to blog, not sysadmin. I want to push as much off on someone else as possible. The current setup will work as long as I only have a few comments on each post (if I ever have a lot of comments on a post then things will become unmanagable because Blogger generates an HTML flat file every time you post a comment that contains both the post and all of its comments, a flat file that can get very large very rapidly, but thus far history is against any such thing ever happening).

SO anyhow, that should explain why I'm still using Blogger to compose my messages and still using the Blogger comments system for comments. It's simply too big a PITA to run my own comments system and my own blogging software when Blogger does a good enough job for me. Been there, done that, have the scars to prove it!

- Badtux the Reluctant Sysadmin Penguin
# posted by BadTux : 1/2/06 8:20 PM  

Haloscan? I use it because I have so few commenters that I can track them all on one page when I want, and avoid email notification.

Not perfect, but I'm just a beginner.
# posted by Debra : 2/2/06 5:35 AM  

Gotta watch those T-shirt terrorist, dems are plain evile!

Ole Blue
-the sarcastic dawg
# posted by Ole Blue The Heretic : 2/2/06 8:20 AM  

I've tried both Haloscan and for comments, and prefer Amongst other things, it's one less login for me to manage. It would not scale if I had a "popular" blog, but given my eccentricities (such as a very erratic posting schedule), that's unlikely to ever happen.

- Badtux the Blogging Penguin
# posted by BadTux : 2/2/06 9:03 AM  

That's why I like Textpattern. I installed it a little over a year ago, as a last-ditch effort to save myself from the swarm of spam comments I was getting on my old Movable Type blog. Textpattern has a forced preview on comment forms, which basically stops automated spamming dead in its tracks. I have not gotten one single piece of comment spam in over a year.

Of course, that may also be because hardly anyone reads my blog. :P
# posted by Aaron : 2/2/06 9:17 AM  

Chances are, if the cops are taking the blame, it's because they're being forced to by someone higher up the food chain (like the White House). I was a cop for 14 years, and while I don't claim perfection, I made very few mistakes ('course, I wasn't a cop in a major city like NY or DC, which may have something to do with it). I can tell you from experience, however, when the cops "admit" a mistake -- especially in a high-profile case like this -- it's usually (not always, but usually) because they're being forced.

Personally, I'm more inclined to think the Secret Service, DHS, NSA, or similar group, ordered the Capitol PD to make the arrests, and now political powers are forcing the cops to fall on their swords.

Of course, this assumes one is willing to accept the fact that the current administration would consider doing something like that. Which they wouldn't, of course. Just like the SS wouldn't set up "Free Speech Zones" where Dubya couldn't see them... or have campaign workers masquerading as SS agents boot T-shirts from rallies...
# posted by andrew : 2/2/06 2:32 PM  

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