Badtux the Snarky Penguin

In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.

Religious fundamentalists are motivated by the sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere, is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Republican Frogmarch Watch

Warrant issued for arrest of Tom Delay, the Republican "hammer" in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Many watching with bated breath to see whether Patrick Fitzgerald's grand jury investigating the outing of a top-secret CIA operative in retaliation for her husband not toeing the Bush line will result in half of Bush Administration indicted....

And in another example of crumbling Republican solidarity, Homeland Security Director Skeletor admits that FEMA, not local and state officials, was responsible for the chaos in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Apparently Brownie "Horse Butt Inspector" Brown is going to be the officially designated scapegoat for this disaster...

And finally, yes, it's true: Bush is a uniter, not a divider. He certainly has united the black population of America, which is united in hating Bush. Not that Preznit White Pointy Cap cares, the only negros he cares about are his house niggers (Condi Rice and her ilk), who know how to properly bow and scrape to their massah....

Now, it may seem that I'm gloating. But I'm not. Bush has been a disaster for America, and that's nothing to gloat about. I'd be a very happy flightless waterfowl right now if all I had to report about George W. Bush was that he had balanced the budget, reduced federal incursions into state affairs, reduced the size and scale of the federal government, and hung Osama bin Laden by his neck until dead from a scaffolding on the site of the former World Trade Center (preferably after slowly and carefully flogging every inch of skin off the SOB). This blog would probably be filled with recipes for herring sundaes and other baited breath delicacies if Bush had done all of that. Unfortunately, he has not done any of that -- he's increased the deficit by unheard-of amounts, increased the size and scope of the federal government, intruded into states' rights in the areas of education, drug policy, and humane end of life policy, and Osama bin Forgotten is laughing at us from his cushy condo in Islamabad. If it seems like I hate George W. Bush, no, that's not it. What I hate is the disaster that has been the Bush presidency, a disaster of corruption, incompetence, and borrow-and-spend fiscally-irresponsible Big Government.

- Badtux the Snarked Penguin

Posted by: BadTux / 10/19/2005 02:24:00 PM  


That makes me feel good in a bad way.
# posted by Ole Blue The Heretic : 20/10/05 4:32 AM  

Do we have an official count as to how many repubs have received criminal indictments during the bush reign?
# posted by Desi : 20/10/05 5:20 AM  

Not surprisingly, Saint Gipper holds the all-time record for most officials indicted during his reign, with 138. Dear Leader has more then three years to best that total, and he's off to a rousing start. He has supposedly fretted about his place in history, wondering where he would make his mark. Well, this is his chance at immortality! He can be the best ever at something! Let's all cheer him on, in the hopes that he will smash Ronnie's record.

Can I get a G! Can I get an O! Can I get a P! What's that spell?

# posted by Pope Horatio Tyrannosaurus Rex : 20/10/05 8:34 AM  

I don't think Dear Leader need worry about that nasty legacy thing. We're all going to be paying off the Bush legacy for the rest of our lives. Indeed, Bush will be right there with Herbert Hoover and Ullyses S. Grant on our list of "Worst Presidents Ever"...

- Badtux the Snarky Penguin
# posted by BadTux : 20/10/05 8:42 AM  

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