Badtux the Snarky Penguin

In a time of chimpanzees, I was a penguin.

Religious fundamentalists are motivated by the sneaking suspicion that someone, somewhere, is having fun -- and that this must be stopped.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Dear Leader confused about Deep Throat

Seems that Dear Leader doesn't know what to think about Deep Throat. Was Deep Throat a hero? Or was he the villain who brought down one of our greatest Presidents? Dear Leader says he'll need to study on that question a bit more.

And Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld basically says "No Comment".

Confused, I turned to our fine patriot friends at And, as usual, they came through for me! From them I learn:

  • "Felt was a petty, vengeful political operative who was later convicted for violating the constitutional rights of U.S. citizens."
  • "I say arrest his ass, I dont care if he's 90 something."
  • 'Deep Throat is a scumbag. I find it a bit sickening for him and his daughter to be smiling and waving at the cameras, just like they're "All That". Deep Throat is not a "hero" he's, yes, a PROSTITUTE. Prostitute for anti-USA factions that is.'
  • "I heard someone on the radio say that the burglars were breaking in to DNC headquarters to get the dirt on a DNC call-girl ring that worked across the street out of the Watergate Hotel. Well, go figure, that the break-in was about sexual misconduct on the part of democrat campaign."
  • "how bad really was it, what Nixon did? He was engaging in campaign skullduggery and then tried to cover it up. It was no big deal, the Democrats just blew it up into a big deal."
  • "Nixon was a peacemaker."
  • "The most terrible thing that Nixon did is be a Republican. This to our great MSM is worse than being a murderer."
I wish to thank my fellow freepers for giving me my talking points! Remember, Richard Nixon was a great President, who was a peacemaker, and the mainstream media was out to get him because he was a Republican, not because he was a crook! Yessirree, I feel a sense of relief knowing that Richard Nixon was the good guy and the #2 man in the FBI the bad guy in this little bit of kabuki theater. After all, Nixon was a REPUBLICAN, and no Republican would EVER lie, cheat, steal, or otherwise abuse the trust of the American people!

Yessirree, this, day two of my conversion to worshipping our Lord and Savior, George W. Bush, has certainly put my mind at ease. No longer must I worry about whether my leaders are crooks or looking out for my best interests, because I have faith, FAITH I say, in my Lord and Savior, and have had my doubts washed away in the Blood of the Lamb who Died in His place in Vietnam! Oh the joy of being Saved! Hallaleujah, AMEN!

-- Badtux the newly-converted Freeper Penguin

Posted by: BadTux / 6/01/2005 01:36:00 PM  


There is NOTHING that Freeptards would not justify if it was done for a right-wing cause.

I'm disgusted, but not surprised. These people would have been lynching blacks in the 1920's or slaughtering Native Americans to steal their land in the 19th century.
# posted by drumwolf : 2/6/05 8:25 AM  

What a bunch of goofballs!

"We think corruption is an American family value, and we will stop at nothing to protect it."
# posted by Horatio : 2/6/05 11:09 AM  

Badtux, you have a lot of guts to troll around on the freepers site. Thank you for sparing us all with your synopsis. Great blog!
# posted by Karena : 3/6/05 7:13 AM  

I'm glad you went to freeperville and brought back the glad tidings. I don't like to go there, much, anymore.
# posted by oldwhitelady : 5/6/05 11:45 AM  

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